Creative Writing Group Session 6 of 6 – “Pools of Strength…”

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No. 1 Creative Writing Session 6 & Abstract Painting 'Pools of Strength' Acrylic Painting on A3 HW Paper by Karen Robinson NB All images are protected by copyright laws.JPG

No. 1 Creative Writing Session 6 & Abstract Painting ‘Pools of Strength’ Acrylic Painting on A3 HW Paper by Karen Robinson NB All images are protected by copyright laws.JPG


We have arrived at our last session of creative writing and it is a cheerful gathering of participants.  It was time to take a moment out to reflect on our creative writing efforts; and to appreciate friendships formed around the interesting, honest and deeply personal accounts of our shared creative writing efforts.  To also be thankful that we had the generous support of the organisation that had supplied us with our creative writing facilitator and support facilitator – such good people.


Our homework that we presented here at this last session, was to be based around 3 separate moments within the week prior, that we thought we required strength of mind.  I didn’t think that I was going to have anything within a week to write about but upon reflection, I found small pockets of time, where I found myself looking for a personal strength and I wrote the following short essays on the said:

Title:  Pools of Strength I – The Family Pet Jessie

“I found myself believing, I was going to require some strength, when my husband told me he was going to be taking our beloved family dog Jessie to the vet; as we had found another lump, this time on his leg. Jessie is an old dog now, but is in good shape considering his age. Sometimes I think – I wish I was in, as good a shape as he! Our dog has lumps on his body and we have been told, in the past, by our vet, that there is nothing to worry about, just fatty tissue deposits. But now there is this new lump on Jessie’s leg which the vet had indicated he is concerned about and needed to take a sample for testing. So I was preparing myself for bad news from my husband on his return home from the vet with Jessie on this day. Thankfully – all is OK and it is just another fatty deposit which means our beloved family pet – Jessie will be with us more…”

Written by Karen Robinson 13/12/14 ‘Copyright’ Protected

Title:  Pools of Strength II – Sisterly Concern

“Just yesterday, and just another day in a week, a dear friend called me and once again I could detect anxiety in her voice. Each time I hear this, I find myself having to draw on my reserves of strength, in order that I can be a good friend and be able to support her in such a way that she will feel less anxiety, more hopefulness after each of our conversations. I will see her again this coming week, which has become a ritual over the past few months; as I have found it seems to be giving her a counter balance to the rest of her week. Just when I think she has reached her tipping point of despair, a good conversation seems to pull her back to a more balanced mindset. I worry that one day, I will not be there to help her… but for now, I reach for my strength… to help her be strong… when she needs to be better for herself.”

Written by Karen Robinson 13/12/14 ‘Copyright’ Protected

Title:  Pools of Strength II – A Worthy Task

“On Monday night of this week, I told my family’s road trauma story to repeat road traffic offenders, whom have been sent by the Magistrates courts as part of their sentencing requirements. This task I do once a month mostly and requires of me some strength. When I hear about these participants’ risky driver behaviour, about how they have been putting themselves and others at risk on our roads, it becomes clear to me that by hearing my story will hopefully give them the strength they need to make better choices about their risky driver behaviour. I leave behind on these nights, a sense that a worthy task has been achieved and I return home to regain my strength for the next time it will be called upon.”

Written by Karen Robinson 13/12/14 ‘Copyright’ Protected



Again I wanted to use my creative writing piece to inspire an art work and is featured below titled ‘Pools of Strength’. They are not ‘master pieces’ but are an important part of a therapeutic process that I enjoy and helps complete my art for therapy journey after each creative writing group session.


Once again, after our creative writing session, we headed off to the local restaurant to share a meal together and engage in good conversation – such a wonderful privilege…

Thank you for joining me on this Creative Writing Group Session Journey!  Please click on the below links to view Nos. 1,2,3,4 & 5 Creative Writing Group Sessions:

NB:  For the purposes of this weblog series “Creative Writing Group”, I will not be mentioning any names or personal details of participants or even the name of the organisation that runs the sessions.  Individuals have the right to privacy, so it will only be about my own experience – and broad statements about each particular session.  I hope you will understand.

Whilst you are here – please check out my home page!  My Art Therapy JourneyA window into the soul of an Abstract Artist through art therapy and storytellingby Karen Robinson

4 thoughts on “Creative Writing Group Session 6 of 6 – “Pools of Strength…”

  1. The darker colours seem to represent the effort required to find those strengths, and the yellow the uplifting effect, the warmth and light, of those strengths in action. And they feed on one another, spreading and growing.

    Love your work, Karen, and the combination of story and art together.

    Liked by 1 person

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